evil transmits live audio input to all connected clients. On the receiving end, audio is played back with a pre-defined delay so that audio input is musically aligned to the other instruments.
For each loaded instance of evil, there can only be one peer acting as sender, while the transmitted stream is received by all peers, the sender included. For becoming a sender, three conditions need to be met:
- the selected clock needs to be running
- DSP needs to be turned on
- ownership needs to be assigned to the sending peer
You can claim ownership by clicking owner in the gui. Once those conditions are met, the transmit button (top left square) turns from black to dark green to indicated readiness. Sending audio starts as soon as the transmit button is pressed. A receiving stream is indicated by the green buffer progress bar filling up. The orange playback bar displays the audio level of the received audio. As long as the transmit button is green, the stream is running. The streaming is stopped by clicking the trasmit button again.
Some notes
evil transmits one channel as 16bit PCM at Pd’s current sampling rate. This amounts to roughly 100 kB/s at 44.1 kHz each way. Since evil doesn’t do resampling, it’s of utmost importance that all peers use the same sample rate. netpd’s default sample rate is 44.1 kHz.
evil makes sure that all peers receive the stream in time. If one peer experiences a buffer underrun, it notifies the sender instance, which then immediately stops transmitting.
Clock sync
When the sender clicks the transmit button, the current time tag (received from the selected clock) is stored and the playback time is calculated from it (assuming all values are given in tick units):
current time + delay - audio latency = playback time
The playback time is then sent to all receiving peers. This ensures that the playback of recorded audio is temporally correctly aligned to the generated sound. This also means, that the clocks of all peers need to be (more or less) in sync. If a receiving peer’s clock is a few ticks ahead, their receive buffer is less full when the clock hits the playback time, thus making buffer underruns more likely. As stated above, a buffer underrun on any receiving peer causes the whole transmission to stop. Thus, it is recommended to make sure before sending that clocks are in sync. untik has automatic syncing enabled per default. However, it should not perform any synchronization during evil transmissions. It is recommended to turn ‘auto’ in the ‘sync’ section off.
Correct timing
evil tries to start playback exactly aligned to the sound generating instruments, offset by the delay in the delay parameter. This only works correctly, if the effective round-trip audio latency is configured correctly in netpd-preferences.