Instrument Creation
What is an instrument?
In netpd terminology, an instrument is a Pure Data patch that is loaded by the unpatch instrument manager. For a patch to be used as netpd instrument, it needs to fullfill certain properties which are described in this document. Mostly, you don’t need to understand the inner working of netpd in order to create your own instrument or to convert an existing patch into an netpd instrument. However, some more involved ideas might not be realized with ready-made solutions and require a deeper understanding of the netpd framework to be implemented. In such cases, it is advised to study existing instruments that are similar or share some concepts. The typical cases, however, are covered here.
Contrary to its name, an instrument doesn’t necessarily produce any sound. Also sequencers or graphics generators are considered instruments. Common to all kinds of instruments is that they share their state among peers. The controllable parameters are synchronized so that the result (sound, sequence pattern, graphic) is the same on all participants’ computers. Whenever a parameter changes its value, the change is propagated through the server to all peers. This ensures synchronicity throughout a session. The origin of the parameter change doesn’t matter. Any peer can modify any parameter at any time and the resulting experience is the same for all peers. Another property of instruments is that their state is managed. When a peer joins an already ongoing session, they receive a full state dump from their peers. This happens transparently and does not have to be implemented for each instrument separately.
Features of instruments
- Instruments use abstractions for certain functions, such as state management and parameter synchronization, and which are provided by netpd, the so called netpd-abstractions.
- Instruments are versioned. unpatch uses the instrument version to decide whether the instruments needs to be transferred to a peer or not. Instruments are only transferred from the peer who initiated the loading of the instrument to the other peers. If a receiving peer already has the instrument with the same or higher version, this version of the instrument is kept and the transfer aborted.
- Instruments can declare dependencies. Dependencies are abstractions in Pure
Data jargon. Abstractions are re-usable parts that can be instantiated once or
many times in an instrument. The same abstraction can be used by many instruments.
Contrary to instruments, which are saved in
, abstractions are saved innetpd/instruments/abs
. Abstractions are also versioned and they can also declare their dependencies. There is no limit to the nesting of dependency declarations. - Instruments have a graphical user interface which is displayed to the user when clicking on the instrument’s name in unpatch. When an instrument is used (as opposed to developed), the guts (the code required for the instrument to work) are hidden.
While the declaration of dependencies is optional, the declaration of a version is mandatory. This applies to both, instruments and their abstractions.
Natural habitat of instruments
Instruments work only when loaded by unpatch. If you’re
familiar with UNIX shells, think of it as unpatch setting
some environment variables for the instrument to work properly. It tells the
instrument where to look for loading netpd-abstractions
and its own declared dependencies. Also, unpatch assigns a
unique ID to each instrument. This allows many instances of the same instrument
to be loaded in unpatch. Loading an instrument in Pd directly
most likely triggers a bunch of .. couldn't create
errors and the patch
fails to work as expected. Thus, also the development of a new (or existing)
instrument needs to happen while being loaded by unpatch.
Create it
Prepare your dev environment
Normally, unpatch would automatically transfer any open instruments to other peers when they join the session and don’t have a copy themselves. Since you’re going to start developing your instrument, you might want to prevent unpatch from doing so. You can enable protected mode (where unpatch doesn’t interact with other peers) by typing the following to the chat text input:
/unpatch protect on
A small umbrella (☂) near the unpatch label indicates that unpatch is running in protected mode now nobody can (accidentally or willfully) close your new instrument while you’re developing it.
Find a name
unpatch helps you create a new instrument skeleton from scratch. You just need to come up with a name for your new instrument. Ideally, the name is easy to type, which makes it easier to load your instrument into a session. It’s established to use lower-case letters, numbers and dashes.
Deploy from template
If you know a name, launch unpatch and type the following into the unpatch’s text input (slightly darker area in the center):
/new anapoly
A new instrument appears in unpatch’s lower section with the name you specified (anapoly in our example). Click on it and an empty patch opens. This is the subpatch where the new instrument’s graphical user interface is going to live. The more interesting part - the main patch - is still hidden. You can access it through the menu Window -> Parent Window.
Tip: This applies to all instruments. If you want to study how a certain instrument works internally, go to its main patch through the Window menu.
Now let’s go through some of the elements of your new instrument that are part of every instrument:
The core elements explained
- The metatags
This is the container for the so-called netpd metatags. When loading an instrument
with unpatch, it will parse the content of this subpatch before
loading the instrument. The numbers 2 0
specify the the metatag format version.
Currently, netpd only supports this one version, so it is always 2 0
. If you click
on the object, it will show its contents in a new window.
There you find a message box
. Whenever you change your instrument, make sure to
bump the version to a higher value. Which one of the three numbers you bump, is up to
you. This tells unpatch to transfer your instrument to your peers, if
your version is higher than theirs. As said before, the
metatag is mandatory
and unpatch refuses to load your instrument with an error message if it
is missing.
The subpatch is a container for the declarations of
the dependencies of your instrument. It opens another canvas when you click on it.
If your instruments uses abstractions, you would declare them there by putting
a message box like
for each abstraction.
Also, the abstractions of your instrument require a metatag declaration
) with at least a version.
- The GUI
This subpatch is displayed when you click on the instrument’s name in unpatch. In other words: The content of this subpatch is what the users see when using your instrument. You put everything what controls your instrument in there: sliders, number boxes, radios, toggles, etc. Remember that also the window position and size of this canvas is saved with your instrument. You might use the full potential of your creativity to design a super-fancy GUI. Simple white default size sliders work too, of course.
The $1
is a variable set by unpatch. It is evaluated to the ID, the
number shown near the instrument’s name in unpatch. This number is unique
among loaded instruments. The part after the -
must be set to the instrument’s name.
The combination (3-anapoly
in our example) is also the title of the GUI window of your
- The state manager
This abstraction is responsible for the communication with the other peers’ copy
of your instrument. It also initiates full dumps when saving current state with
unpatch’s save
button. Every instrument requires exactly one
. The first argument is always $1
. The second argument must be
set to the name of your instrument. The ID and the instrument name are
used in the OSC triggered when one of the controls of your
instruments is touched. [netpd_head]
prepends /3/anapoly
(ID, name) to the
OSC path of each OSC message generated by your instrument.
Control parameters of your instrument
Up until now, we’ve been discussing the boilerplate required for each instrument.
The interesting is part is to make sure all control parameters are handled by
netpd using the so-called netpd-abstractions. Those
are the modules keeping the state of each parameter of your instrument
synchronized among peers. The different abstractions cover different
types of parameters, including numbers, symbols, lists, text, tables, or
audio samples. When all control parameters of your instrument are handled by an
instance of one of the netpd-abstractions, you have a fully
working netpd instrument that produces the same result for all joining peers
in a session. Common to all netpd-abstractions
is that they require the first argument to be $1
and a unique (within your
instrument) name as second argument defining the parameter name. Some take
even more arguments. Read more about all the available
To see how this works in detail, let’s illustrate it with an example.
- A numeric parameter
Assume our instrument should control the frequency of an [osc~ ]
object with
a horizontal slider, like this:
We convert that to a netpd parameter by using [netpd_f]
receives the values from the slider and sends it through
the network. When it receives a new value, it updates the slider position
and sends the value through it’s outlet. Because there is no wire between
and the slider, the message passing happens through send
and receive symbols. Make sure to set them accordingly in the properties
of the slider (see second image above). Both, the send and receive are named
, or in our example $1-freq
. When your instrument is loaded,
initializes the slider and the [osc~ ]
object to the value 872,
the third argument given to [netpd_f]
Other GUI widgets provided by Pd can be hooked up to a [netpd_f]
the same way:
We learned before that instruments separate their inner workings from the graphical
frontend. This means we can put the slider in the GUI subpatch and keep the [netpd_f]
in the normally hidden main patch. You can now apply the same process to all control
parameters of your instrument in order to turn them into netpd (or “netpdized”)
parameters. For all numeric parameters you would do it the exact same way as described
Other types of parameters
For other types of parameters, you would try to figure out if there is already a netpd-abstraction that covers the particular use case. If there is, study it’s help file for more detailed information about its usage. If you fail to find anything that covers your use case, you can still implement your own abstraction, theoretically. Practically, there is little documentation about the inner working of netpd, thus you would need to figure out how things work internally by studying the existing abstractions. Going more into detail here would go beyond the scope of this document. The available netpd-abstractions cover the most common data types. When designing instruments like synths or effect libraries, chances are you’ll be able to realize your ideas with what is readily available. Other classes of instruments - sequencers, for instance - might use more complex data structures that require their own synchronization between peers.
Considerations about instrument design
Network latency
Unlike in common Pure Data, where control operations usually happen in zero logical time (“instantaneously”), control operations in netpd suffer latency because every message travels through the network to the server and from the server to all peers (including the peer from which message originated). Traveling through network takes time that ranges between a few milliseconds to a few hundred milliseconds, depending on how geographically close peers are located to the server. Obviously, this latency has an impact on how things work, especially in a musical context. And there is not only latency, but also jitter. Jitter means that the time it takes for the network to deliver is not constant, but varies over time. Latency and jitter are immediately noticed, when a parameter is controlled in real time. However, when setting a note in sequencer, the latency does not matter that much since the note is only heard then it is actually played by the sequencer. The sequencer might use its own local clock and thus doesn’t suffer from jitter. It’s enough for a sequencer to send start and stop message through the network. For live audio, there is another trick to cope with latency. The overall latency from network and receive buffers most likely makes the live audio playback sound rhythmically off in regard to the generated sounds. When the latency is artificially increased so that the overall latency matches rhytmically meaningful time period such as a bar or defined number of beats, live audio blends in nicely.
Message order
You might ask why does the server send back a message to the originating peer? What is the point of articially introducing network latency and jitter when the sender could just consume its own message right away? Why not leave the latency to the other peers? It’s done that way to ensure every peer receives every message in the same order. The server forwards an incoming message to all peers before it handles the next one. Thus all messages are serialized in an order defined by the server. More precisely, the order is defined by the arrival time of incoming messages at the server. If the order is not defined in that manner, different peers would generate different output. All netpd-abstractions adhere to this principle. When you design a customized synchronization mechanism for your own complex parameter, keep in mind that all changes of state need to pass the server.
Audio latency
When using audio input, either for live audio or for sampling, it is crucial to
take into accout the audio latency: the time it takes for an audio signal to
travel from audio input through DSP processing to audio output, the so called
roundtrip. Knowing this value enables instruments to compensate for this latency
so that recorded sounds are played back rhythmically in sync with the rest
of the sound. There is a setting in netpd-preferences for
audio latency. It even allows to measure the roundtrip time (rtt) when audio output
is connected to audio input. You can retrieve that value with the object
[netpd-pref-get pd-audio-latency]
Initiating and detecting state changes
Usually, when dealing with data sets or objects in Pure Data, the state is known
implicitly. When an [f ]
object is set to value 23, then there is no need
to check that the value is really set to 23 afterwards. It can be reliably assumed
that the [f ]
object keeps the value 23 until it is set to a different value.
In netpd, that is not the case for synchronized parameters, or parameters
that are handled by one of the netpd-abstractions.
Firstly, it is no not known when exactly the value of a certain parameter is set,
since each change of state travels through the network first. At the moment a
parameter is changed, no assumption about its internal state can be made. Secondly,
the value of the parameter might change any time, because all peers control it.
Thus, such parameters need an interface to notify about state changes. In the case
of [netpd_f]
the new number is simply output through the the outlet (and the GUI
widget is updated accordingly). Let’s take a more complex parameter as another
example: [netpd_text]
. [netpd_text]
is a netpd version of Pd’s [text]
object, but unlike Pd’s original [text]
, [netpd_text]
has an additional
outlet where it reports all state changes. This allows an instrument to react
on specific changes initiated by any peer. Actually, the instrument should only
react on such detected state changes and never on direct user input. Otherwise,
the behaviour of the instrument is different for each peer, depending on which peer
manipulates the parameter. The manipulation of parameters by a user and the
reaction of the instrument to detected state changes are separate processes.
To think them as independent processes hopefully helps to understand the
sychnronization of more complex parameters.